Collecting field data on blue carbon stocks is essential for understanding the intricacies of local and global carbon cycles. This database helps with cataloguing field data by providing a standardized data entry process, and tools for viewing the collected data.
The Blue Carbon Geonode is a community-based georeferenced database with the aim of cataloguing fieldwork sediment data to obtain a global database of organic carbon stocks of blue forests (seagrasses, saltmarshes, and mangroves). The sampling and processing of data follows a standardised protocol [Module 4] and data is validated by blue carbon scientists. Logging the latitude and longitude, you maintain an overview of different fieldwork locations. Entering the sample volume and weights automatically generates additional soil parameters such as organic carbon content and organic carbon stock. It is easy to compare results with others that have entered data on the Blue Carbon Geonode because of the standardized format, which makes it a helpful collaboration tool!